Monday, November 24, 2008

November in a nutshell

I realized this morning that it's been almost a month since my last post. I knew it had been a while, but I didn't know it was that long. The sad part is I've been spending all my free time on ebay again, I'm so dissapointed with myself! My intentions have been to buy Christmas gifts, but after weeks of effort I decided it's impossible to by a new designer wallet for $1.50. I would even go as high as spending 10$ depending on what the shipping would cost, but the bid never fails to soar up to 90$ at the last minute and yet I always get my hopes up. Stupid waste of time..
I did manage to buy a Chi for myself at 30$ which Kirk is going to wrap and give to me at Christmas, so far I'm making his shopping really easy for him.
The boys are playing well so far, so I'm going to continue.
Almost a month ago Tommy turned 1 yrs old. I did write a post about it but I didn't really like how I wrote it so I just saved it. If I had better pictures I would have been more inclined to show them, but Kirk was in charge of taking them, so this is all we have. I'm still a little bitter.

This is us getting ready to open the first gift. But neither of us were looking.

I don't know what to say about this one.

At least that's a nice one of the two of them.

This is the Boston Cream Pie I spent hours on. It wasn't as good as I expected.

It took him a while to get into it.

Other than that, I havent been up to much. Tommy has been doing really well, we saw the therapist last Thursday and she was really impressed with everything he's doing and so am I! Now if I could just get him to take a bottle!
His first tooth is comming in now and it's very exciting, but I think it's crooked! I really hope when the other teeth come in they straighten it out and I really hope they all aren't crooked!

This is Tommy unwillingly showing you his new tooth. That looks really mean of me! I gave him a hug after and he felt better.
The other exciting news is Talons recent decision to start using the potty. Now I dont want to jinx anything by getting too excited but this is basically how I feel about not having to clean his poopy bum anymore.

That about says it!
Now all I have to do is figure out what to get basically everyone for Christmas, get a food storage orgainized, get Talon to brush his teeth without having to sit on him, plan cheep and healthy meals for my family, remember to read my scriptures everyday, keep the house clean and laundry under control, help my children stay busy and happy without having the TV on all day and I'll be almost stress free!


robinm said...

hahaha! I love that video! Branden and I laughed like crazy at it and now he won't stop singing the song!

The Pratts said...

You are hilarious, and such a fun mom!!!

Elizabeth Cranmer said...

You crack me up! Lindsay you can be so shy and then there is this side of you! Nice moves! I think the no more poop cleaning dance is totally necessary! Loved the post!

The Taylors said...

I LOVE THIS! I didn't know you knew how to bust moves like that!! You are the funniest girl I know, I miss you and your boys! When do you come to the hospital again? Come stop in for lunch or something! AWESOME job Talon, keep it up!!

Heather @ Raising Memories Blog said...

Oh my goodness Lindsay you're hilarious :) hahaha I love the video.

I hope Talia joins Talon in this soon- she's so on & off with it.

Anonymous said...

No, I'm sure you're not jinxing it;) Can't wait for Friday at the dance!
Happy Birthday to Tommy and Woohoo to Talon and good luck to you with your goals - when you put them like that it seems so easy!!

Farrah said...

I've been waiting a whole month for an update and it was worth the wait. Great moves Linds. That was hilarious. Give Tal and Tommy a big kiss for me! Miss ya.

Colleen and Dave said...

Lindsay, your so funny! I was talking on the phone while watching your video and I was laughing the whole time. Yea for Talon.

Colleen and Dave said...

Great fun Linds! reminds me of your dancing days in the kitchen in Brantford. No Talon loved it as well


Nancy said...

haha loved it. im glad you wont be cleaning up poop anymore. you need to teach me some moves.

Sheers said...

Lindsay - you're so funny! I linked to your blog through Liz - your dancing video was hilarious! Reminded me of the young adult dances! :)

Dorienne said...

MORE MORE MORE...we want MORE! That was an awesome dance. I love it when Talon comes in for a little dancing too.

Daria - Boutique Cafe said...

YOU ARE AWESOME!!! That totally made my day, you've got moves girl! WOO HOO!!!