Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Yay for Tommy!!!

Tommy started crawling yesterday so this morning I cought it on camera! This is about the 4th time I've ever seen him doing it, so it's still very exciting!

His therapists saw him last week and were blown away by his progress, and he wasn't even crawling then. I think they will be even more impressed when they see how well he keeps his legs under him and his back straight, so he probably won't have to use leg bands.

Basically he's an all-star!


robinm said...

Go Tommy! He's soo cute crawling!

Christy said...

That is so awesome Lindsay. It seriously made me tear up a little... I can imagine how proud you are!

Colleen and Dave said...

Hey Linds, dad and I have watched it a few times, Way to go Tommy!
Love Talon's colour commentary (I knew you can do it Tom)

Farrah said...

WOW! That's so awesome. So proud of him. I've watched it a few times, and cry every time! What a good big brother Talon is. I knew you could do it to Tommy!

The Bedke Fam said...

so exciting!!! tommy is so cute. and i love talon in the background cheering him on "he's doing it!" love it!

The Taylors said...

Oh Linds that is so great! you are such a good mom. I think my favorite is his big brother totally cheering him on. What a special moment!

Elizabeth Cranmer said...

WOW!!! I am so excited for you guys! Now he can get into trouble with Seger!! I can't wait to see this in person. GO TOMMY GO!

Love how sweet Talon is with him! He must be pretty excited too!

motherofangels said...

Yeah Tommy!!!! Those cheeks are so tempting to me... I just want to squeeze em :) I miss seeing you at church and other outings! Let me know if there is ever anything going on.

The Pratts said...

That video is PRICELESS! Tommy was just starting to sit last time I saw him! Way to go. And Talon is so cute, too. Actually, the shot of Tommy at the beginning of the video looks a bit like Talon to me!

Daria - Boutique Cafe said...

Lindsay that was adorable! Tommy is so cute crawling!! I loved hearing Talon in the background. AWESOME!!

Kira said...

YEAH TOMMY!!!!!!!!!